Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth. (Job 5.16)

For the past few months, God has been showing me more and more of His heart for the plight of the needy. The fatherless. The widow. The poor and oppressed. The abused. The hungry. The sick. The disabled. The insecure and lonely. The ashamed. The broken. Abba grieves over them. And He wants our hearts to grieve for them, too. Over and over again in His Word, I see His love for the needy: Exodus 22:22-23. 1 Samuel 2:8. Psalm 72:12-14. Proverbs 21:13. Isaiah 11:3-5 and 9-10. Ezekiel 34:11-16. Zephaniah 3:19. Luke 18:7. One thing is clear--God cares.

Tonight a broken, needy man named David showed up on our doorstep. He used to work for us, but we had to let him go for various reasons I don't need to go into here. Every few weeks, he would call Debbie, begging for her to help him with money so he could eat. I won't lie; it became frustrating after a while. Money is such a quick fix, and we were worried it was only feeding his dependency.

But tonight, as David sat crying on the porch, my heart broke inside of me. He wasn't eating. He had been beaten so severely that he couldn't walk straight, and his eyes were blood red. He couldn't see properly, he couldn't find a job, he was utterly alone, and he was sure that he would soon die. I couldn't handle it, couldn't stop the tears from coming. All I kept thinking was, "God made this man, and God loves this man. It doesn't matter what wrongs he has done in the past--he is precious in Jesus' sight. No one deserves this. No one."

So I ask that you would please, please, PLEASE pray for David. The word that keeps coming to mind is "restore." I believe God wants to restore David, to health and to wholeness. This man needs your prayers. He needs hope, and he needs to know that someone out there cares.

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