Thursday, April 28, 2011

Two months

Only two months ago, I was in Liberia, saying goodbye to the kids, to the team, and to my Liberian family. Two months. That's it. Yet somehow, it feels like that was a lifetime ago. It feels like a different time, a different world, a different Elena. I suppose that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It just shows how our lives are in this state of constant flux. There's no stopping it. The best you can do is just hang on tight and go along for the ride.

These two months at home have been a roller coaster, that's for sure. I've been able to travel a bit. I got to see John Mark McMillan live. I've spent sweet times with sweet friends. I've had Starbucks and Target and Mexican food. I've experienced a spiritual revival of sorts, a time of God bringing spring to my cold and hurting heart.
But I've also experienced the loss of my beloved Papa. I've struggled financially to keep my head above water in a country where the cost of living is so much more than I am used to. I've worried. I've doubted that I made the wrong choice by coming home. I've found myself falling into some not-so-healthy places, emotionally and mentally, and have pleaded with God to get me out of them.

Not the prettiest picture, I know. But I share that to let you know two things. One: life isn't always easy. And two: but God is good.

I'm curious to see where I'll be in another two months. Until then, I want to thank you for all your prayers, for all the love and encouragement you've shown me. It means so much more to me than I could ever say.