When we arrived at the orphanage, Sarah was the first kid to come up to us. Right away, Deb and I started oohing and aahing over how much she'd grown. Moses showed up next, followed by a giggly Koiboi. And then I saw Beyan, in his telltale red and black striped jersey, poke his head around the corner and give me a shy little smile. Immediately, I called him over to me and gave him a huge hug (I have to say--there's nothing like a snuggly Beyan-hug! It's one of my favorite things in the world!) He, of course, was his usual frisky, mischievous self; every time I pulled out my camera, he'd start "bluffing", acting all serious and doing his best to hold back his smile:
Today, the Beyan I saw had no more sadness in his eyes. His belly was full of rice, and there was a light and a joy in him that was never there before. As he handed me three pink flowers he picked off a bush, I felt like my heart was going to explode with happiness. And, when I knelt down and looked into his eyes and asked him, "Beyan, do you know that I love you?", he smiled and nodded yes!
Tear My Heart is the beautiful song from the novel of the same name
ReplyDeleteDon't tear my heart its not made of paper
Don't tear my heart, I can't stand the pain
Give me your love, now and forever
Don't tear my heart, I'll never love again