Monday, August 17, 2009

unexpected blessing!

As I pulled into the parking lot at work this morning, I was greeted by two of the girls in my class at the summer camp. Each was holding a large, bright gift bag and wearing a large, bright smile.
"What's this?" I asked.
"It's for you!" they replied.
Peering in, I saw that the bags were filled (and I mean filled) with things like shampoo, toothpaste, pens, hair elastics, deodorant - all in bulk.
"It's for when you go back to Africa," the older one explained.
My heart skipped a beat. What a wonderful, unexpected blessing!

I want to take the time to thank that family for their love and generosity. The "little" things -- like a bottle of shampoo or tube of toothpaste -- go such a long way. Your giving has blessed me incredibly.

1 comment:

  1. GOD IS GOOD SISTER!! AMEN -- and I LOVE the donate button! It rocks and I love that scripture!!
